A MMA FLOOR CAGE, by PRO MMA can transform your gym into a full Mixed Martial Arts training center. No one builds a stronger cage, and no one can offer you the same quality as PRO MMA.
We offer our Floor Cages in 7 standard sizes (12' X 12' - 24' X 24') and 5 custom sizes (8' X 8', 10' X 10', 26' X 26', 28' X 28', 30' X 30') but we can also custom build any size, or shape. We truly are the professional designer and manufacturer, so we can do it all!
Need heavy bag racks attached to your Floor Cage? We do that all the time! At Monster Rings and Cages, we offer you more and you pay less for it.
We build our Floor Cages using the same super strong steel and materials that we build our world famous Pro Competition Cages with. Strength and safety are our top priorities. Our Floor Cages mount to your floor, and we include the complete mounting kit, so you are ready for easy installation.
Our Floor Cages are complete with the entire cage panel padded and covered in vinyl so from both the inside and outside of the cage, your gym members are safe. Each Floor Cage has our exclusive Monster Door, with our custom hinges and locking device for super strength and safety. Our Monster Corner pads are 16" wide x 72" tall and a full 2" thick using real athletic padding. Every part of the cage is protected, so your gym will be safe.
You can purchase your Monster Floor Cage as a true floor mount, an use it with your existing floor mats, or you can purchase your floor from us. We offer the traditional 1" thick 2.2 lb. density padding with a vinyl mat cover as a flooring option.
You decide the colors of the vinyl and you can also have custom printing, for an additional price.
All of our products qualify for easy Commercial Leasing/Financing, see the link for details, and we ship quickly. You should contact us for a shipping quote.
CONTACT US: info@profightshop.com
TELEPHONE: (323) 460-4600 Monday through Friday 8:00 to 8:00. We are on Pacific Coast time.